
This research area involves the development of new organocatalytic processes for the synthesis of biologically relevant molecules. Organocatalysts are low-molecular-weight compounds whose catalytic activity resides in the molecule itself and not in the presence of metals. Organocatalysts are usually readily available, robust, inexpensive, and non-toxic. These major features provide operationally simple routes to useful compounds such as biologically active molecules without generating any wasteful by-products. From a mechanistic point of view, common ability of many organocatalysts is to mimic the catalytic activity and selectivity of metal-free enzymes. It can be envisaged that hydrogen bonding, electrostatic, and steric interactions stabilize the transition states of organocatalyzed reactions in a similar but simplified fashion if compared to enzyme catalysis, leading, however, to comparable levels of stereoselectivity.



  • Study of the parallelism organo/bio catalysis in the stereoselective formation of carbon-carbon bonds.
  • New processes promoted by N-heterocyclic carbenes.
  • Development of supported organocatalysts.
  • Mechanistic investigations.


Instruments and Methods

Mass (MS) spectrometry and infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). Elemental analysis. Chromatographic instruments.


Main Subjects

Organic chemistry; biochemistry.


Research Group

  • Olga Bortolini
  • Alessandro Massi
  • Marco Fogagnolo
  • Giancarlo Fantin
  • Pier Paolo Giovannini
  • Daniele Ragno
  • Carmela De Risi



  • Prof. D. Belder (University of Lipsia, Germany)
  • Dr. P. Dambruoso (CNR-ISOF, Bologna)
  • Prof. A. Mazzanti (University of Bologna)


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