Characterization Of Traditional Food Products

The increasingly integrated global economic system jeopardizes the specificity of traditional food products which take a risk to be replaced by commercial products of dubious origin and quality.
The diversification of food traditions is a real wealth, a biological-cultural heritage which must be protected by application of production strict disciplinary measures and european quality brands (PDO, PGI, TSG). These regulatory accreditations can be obtained solely by analytical demonstration that the products have unique composition and nutritional value deriving from the origin area.



  • Optimization of techniques for extraction, isolation and characterization of nutraceuticals
  • Determination of food nutritional components
  • Biological characterization of species
  • Comparison with other commercial products or other varieties of the same food plant
  • Study and optimization of statistical models for final data analysis


Instruments and Methods

Instruments and methods for extraction, isolation, analysis, structural and biological characterization of foods and nutraceuticals. Instruments and methods for the statistical analysis of data.


Main Subjects

Food chemistry; analytical chemistry; biology; molecular biology.


Research Group

  • Annalisa Maietti
  • Nicola Marchetti



Universities of Basilicata, Cagliari, Modena and Reggio, Bologna, and Piemonte Orientale, Zooprophylactic Sperimental Institute of Venices, Universities of Valencia and Granada (Spain), Senior Researcher of Engepab Group - Engenharia de Processos e Produtos na Área de Alimentos e Bebidas, Fundação Universidade Regional de Blumenau (FURB) (Blumenau, State of Santa Catarina, Brasil), Cattolica Los Angeles de Chimbote (ULADECH) University, (Chimbote, Perù).


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